End Your Indecision by Doing This One Thing Today
All it takes is to clean a closet to face this predicament, but that is not the kind of dilemma I am talking about, but rather those tumultuous times when we are confronted with truly life-altering choices that can be agonizing.
There really is no need to agonize; what we need is to gain clarity first.
The less clarity we have, and the less willing we are to act upon that clarity, the more agonizing a decision is. And it truly doesn’t have to be that way; at least not for long.
Chances are, if you are stuck in the “agonizing” stage for long, you are already choosing by default; and I would be willing to bet that you chose the lower road; the one that will reward you the least on the long run.
Good decisions require three things:
- Courage
- Clarity
- Willingness
Pssst… there is a 4th:
Knowing that YOU ARE WORTHY of the best choices available to you
Consider this often:
The mind can only see what it is losing, but it has no way of seeing what it is gaining, and this makes our decision-making very hard; but reminding ourselves that we are seeing only a small wedge of things will help us.
This means that we must transcend the mind in order to gain any vision of the good that is hiding behind that appears to us as loss for now.
There is always an element of “loss” when we decide for something.
The word “decide” is a relative to “homicide”, and “suicide”, which means that something definitely is released and lost when we decided to grab to something else, and the mind acts very poorly with these predicaments.
“Transcend the mind” is said easily, and it is done easily enough, but it is thought of heavily. The mind never volunteers to have itself transcended…
Monkey catchers use a technique of putting peanuts inside a hollow coconut or something small enough to trap their hands once they make a fist. The monkey can insert the hand, but once it grabs the peanuts and makes a fist, it cannot slide it out; and the sad part is that, as smart as monkeys can be, they don’t think that if they let go of their small loot of peanuts they will be free and escape entrapment.
We can learn a valuable lesson from that.
Life is full of invitations, opportunities and imperatives for deciding.
And what are we equipped with to help us make good decisions that our future self will thank us for?
… Our innermost feelings
And when was the last time that you listened to your innermost feelings?
In case it wasn’t clear, this is the one thing I am inviting you to do to conquer indecision today:
To listen to your innermost feelings…
And here is where I must intercept your mind and mine:
Absolutely NO SHAME or GUILT are useful here
I have had good ideas about life mixed in with a hefty amount of shame, guilt and dogma for over 2 decades and it has never worked that way. It is only as I laboriously remove the guilt and the shame that I begin to make progress. The removal of guilt and shame will never happen by chance; you must do it yourself; you deserve and need to live guilt and shame free. We need changes in our lives, but they need to stem from a place of self love, curiosity and playfulness, not heavy guilt and dogma.
So let’s go back to when the last time was that you listened to your innermost feelings. Okay, likely it has been a very long time. No problem, just make time for yourself today so that you tune in and listen… tune in to the radio station of YOU! (YOU97 FM) Your real self. She or he is there, trying to talk to you, all the time, if you will just listen. It is there where you will find the answers you seek; they will not fail you; trust them.
If you can, write them.
(If you don’t want to for issues of privacy; invent an alphabet; I did when I was twelve and I am still fluent)
Clarity, courage and willingness CURE FEAR.
You will believe in yourself more as you learn to listen to your innermost feelings.
We can’t expect to have a forward 20–20 vision, that doesn’t exist. Listen to yourself, have faith, take that leap and embrace the transformation. You will be so glad you did.
Don’t protect or cater to the conservative part of you that never wants to change.
A life of resisting change is a life of suffering because change is inevitable anyway, but if we steer it mindfully, instead of it going aimlessly… we will be far better off. Far, far better off.
Call to Action:
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Copyrighted 2022 — Viviana Rose