Hi Tom,
You mention several times that “you don’t know everything”. That is patently obvious of you, me, and every other person on the planet. In fact, anyone who wants to arrive at any knowledge worth attaining, (never mind wisdom), must be prepared to experience an ever-increasing realization of his/her “not knowing anything”. The fact that you are 24 makes hardly any difference; you could be 94 and this still would happily apply, because through the entire course of our lives we have the glorious opportunity to discard erroneous ideas, and adopt “more excellent” ones. Doing this throughout our life-time will be challenging, exciting, rewarding, and get us to flock together with some of the best people alive. Children in spirit, who are intelligent and humble enough to be open to learn every minute of the day. I cannot think of a better way to live life.
I am thankful for what you have shared, and to be here too :-).
Viviana Rose