Iranians, we, the people, love you…
How long will we divided be by a few arrogant, narcissistic men?
We Are But One — Fighting demonstrates the most profound blindness.
My heart aches for the tragedy of flight PS752, and all the other tragedies that have paraded before us the last long while.
My heart can hardly watch that moment when the plane is hit, and the seconds that ensue, and all the precious, beautiful, radiant lives evaporating from our aching earth… and for what? For what? I ask you.
Isn’t this the most insane thing?
Are we awakening to how unforgivable this fighting is?
The whole world is suffering for the insanity of the very few; how weak are we?
How governments dare to divide us when we would one be!!
How long will we suffer them to thus desecrate our true nature of brotherhood and sisterhood?
(Or can we only read about a state of peace in Jehova Witnesses’ pamphlets and in stories for children?)
Ah yes, we have learned war from our governments; they have never let us live in peace.
By oppression of women, of minorities, and anyone “different” they have violated everything that is holy.
By keeping us all disorganized, divided, suspicious of one another; by making us greedy for things we don’t need, by making us sick, by using us for their filthy lucre!
That is the “for what”: their filthy lucre. How disgusting!
Oh the liability accumulated on the accounts of those who thus do!!
We love the whole world; we are the whole world; we are but one.
This life is but a moment of tests and it very much looks like humanity blows the great majority of its tests; certainly collectively.
Will we ever get it together?
Can’t we see that we are being pitted against each other for their “gain”?
They call it gain but it is not gain, it is loss, but they think it’s gain.
They are the biggest losers, those who fight, but we all lose and suffer.
Nothing works but the zero sum game, the reality that what is good for me is good for you and for everybody, and what is not good for you or me is not good for the other either.
You cannot assist or harm another in a vacuum; you will help or injure yourself in the way of doing the same for another, whether you see it now or not.
It is a matter of how blind are we… the more we fight, the more blind we are.
The more harmonious we are, the better our vision is.
Let’s wake up from this nightmare; let’s love one another and our earth.
Let us recognize that we have been wrong, all of us, all of us, all of us, all of us; no one is exempt, no one is perfect; we have all been wrong, we all need healing, redemption, forgiveness and hope.