Kill The Inner Critic… Daily
When we didn’t know better, we internalized a lot of messages given by people who were in their pain and confusion. Parents, particularly, but also all kinds of people who have lashed out from their pain; and we, not knowing any better, have retained some of those messages, to our great detriment.
But no person who is in their pain (or anger), is qualified to tell us ANYTHING about ourselves, about who we are, or what we are; ONLY someone who is in their bliss, connected to themselves and to the whole of creation.
As much as ego loves to make everything dramatic, awful, hard and heavy, seen from a higher perspective, it all is very simple, and our journey here very pure: evolve; mature spiritually.
Without knowing, years ago, I began to filter messages and accept mostly only those that came from people who were grounded and in their spirit, not in their fear, pain or ego, things which blind people. This has saved me more pain, grief, loss of energy and time than I know. And now that I see this more clearly, I will have an ever tighter seal.
This isn’t to mean that we are never reprehensible, or have a blind spot, (HOPEFULLY we can realize this OURSELVES and correct it), and should be OPEN to the observations of those who know us and care for us.
I certainly AM always open to that, and grateful for another’s insight.
But the voices that make up the inner critic: those we must eliminate from the root. They are not true, helpful, necessary; they must be cut out entirely.
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