If Donald Trump was 5'5" he Would Not be President.

Viviana Rose
3 min readOct 31, 2017


Always hovering over others. And don’t forget the “T” on the side, lest you go not knowing who owns the dominating building.

I am writing this mostly for fun; not that what is going on in our capital is fun, but tonight I won’t write about the human condition, — (I did write about the human condition; it couldn’t be helped); or about any of the social standards that don’t work that often busy my mind. No, tonight it is about Trump and his armoire-like height/size.

I subscribe to the thought that things happen for a reason, so I won’t say that I wish that Trump was a shortie, — (even though it’s a fun thought); because if the man is there, then, the way I view the world, the man was meant to be there for a reason.


My dad used to say that a people will produce the government it deserves.

Ouch. Ouch for many countries we love. Cuba, for example, who for what seemed like an eternity, was under a very repressive thumb.

I won’t write about whether we deserve what we got either. I will (try my darnedest to) stick to writing of my theory that, were Trump a short man, he never would have risen to the incredibly powerful and privileged, (severely undeserved) position.

The truth is, the man hovers over everyone. Even his daughter is tall; there are no shorties in that family. And the dominating hand-shake? He couldn’t do that if he were the shortest in the room. He pulls off a lot of psychological dominance thanks to his size. We’re not that different from animals in that sense.

So what does this say about us humans? Nothing new. Experiments have said it all along: “tall people fare better than short people”, in an array of things, from salary, — $789 more per year for the tallie, than for the shortie, according to a study in the Journal of Applied Psychology (Vol. 89, №3), to commanding more respect and credibility… totally without merit. How sad. Or, should I say; SAD.

Short men have it harder than short women in society; women “suffer” less for being short than men do.

We humans operate on some pretty generic, basic equipment in the head that makes us act and think in pretty dumb ways about a lot of things. Every class I took in college, (master of science in psychology), further cemented my deppressing view of human nature and our inclination to make judgments on pretty ridiculous bases.

But, as my beloved Jacob Needleman says:

“Man is in far worse condition than he believes, but he can become far greater than he imagines”, (Money and the Meaning of Life, p 5).

And oh! I just remembered!

Remember when Samuel was going to annoint a son from one family, the sons of Jesse, to be king of Israel? The story says that Samuel who was going to do the anointing, (no voting in those days), was impressed by the stature of one of the sons of Jesse, but a voice told him to not let his appearance or height impress him!

“Don’t judge by his appearance or height, for I have rejected him. God doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.”

I Samuel 16:7

We may have less right to complain than we think when we use methods of judging things that are so archaic and unenlightened.

We should consider growing up; massively, and to transcend more and more of our humanness, and to embody more and more of that real stature, the one that is not seen with human eyes, but perceived with our hearts and with with our spirit.

I hope that our next president will be a shortie.

And a woman.

God, we need it.

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Viviana Rose

PS I lied! I did write about the human condition! How can I ever help it? All the rivers in my mind run to it.

Copyrighted material 2017



Viviana Rose

I have a great interest in the intersection of psychology, philosophy, religion, social structures of power, and fear: the bait that catches us everywhere.